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Day 6 on Effexor

Effexor makes you tired I started taking 37.5mg of Effexor XR once a day this past Monday. It's Sunday now, so I've been taking this medicine for six days now. I haven't entirely decided whether I like it or not. The side effects that I've experienced so far are blown pupils excessive yawning dizziness/lightheadedness fatigue general malaise little to no appetite The fatigue hits literally when ever it wants.  I'll have bursts of energy, then the yawning starts, then my vision gets a bit weird and then I want a nap. Yesterday (Saturday) I actually took two naps because I could not keep my eyeballs open! Me on Effexor By nap, I don't mean, "Oh, I dozed for fifteen minutes or so." I mean I took a horizontal life pause for two hours at a time. Twice. Today was better though Today I woke up feeling good, and at a decent time. I think it was like 7:30ish or 8:00.  I did lay in bed and mess with my phone for a bit,

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