Day 6 on Effexor

Effexor makes you tired

I started taking 37.5mg of Effexor XR once a day this past Monday. It's Sunday now, so I've been taking this medicine for six days now.

I haven't entirely decided whether I like it or not.

The side effects that I've experienced so far are

  • blown pupils
  • excessive yawning
  • dizziness/lightheadedness
  • fatigue
  • general malaise
  • little to no appetite
The fatigue hits literally when ever it wants. I'll have bursts of energy, then the yawning starts, then my vision gets a bit weird and then I want a nap.

Yesterday (Saturday) I actually took two naps because I could not keep my eyeballs open!

Me on Effexor

By nap, I don't mean, "Oh, I dozed for fifteen minutes or so." I mean I took a horizontal life pause for two hours at a time. Twice.

Today was better though

Today I woke up feeling good, and at a decent time. I think it was like 7:30ish or 8:00.

 I did lay in bed and mess with my phone for a bit, but that was by choice and not a feeling that I just couldn't get out of bed yet.

I had energy.

So, first thing this morning I straightened up for a little bit. I still didn't get the dishes done, but whatever. I cleaned the toilet. I did some laundry. 

(Okay, I did one load, but it counts.)

I finally put the slipcover on the couch. Y'all, I even had enough spoons left to take a shower.

That said, the drowsiness did hit at about 2:00 or so and I took a couple hour nap listening to the very soothing Joy of Painting. 

As an aside, if you have never watched Bob Ross, he's on Netflix and his series, The Joy of Painting, is the most soothing, relaxing thing ever. He's so soft-spoken and so talented and passionate about art, and animals, and people.

Maybe I'm getting used to it now

Gosh, I sure hope so. 

I'm hoping as the days go by the energy will increase, my interest and motivation will increase, and the desperate need for naps will decrease. Hopefully, the other side-effects will lessen as well. 

Except for Prozac, which I am allergic to, Effexor is the only medication that I have felt like is actually working. 

Guess we'll see in the coming days!
